What We Do
Custodial The cleanliness of your K-12 facility is critical for the health of your students and teachers, but many schools are forced to cut custodial programs or sacrifice quality to lower costs. With ABM as your custodial services partner, district leaders can achieve high standards while controlling spending. Our engaged workforce has expertise in ABM GreenCareⓇ processes to help you provide a healthy learning environment and protect resources for your staff, students, and community. Energy Performance Contracting Make facility upgrades and improve your learning environment without a tax increase. ABM helps you leverage dollars already in the budget by creating energy and operating cost-savings to pay for needed improvements. School districts across the nation have received millions of dollars in capital funding for their facilities through ABM’s energy performance contracting program, and ABM can do the same for your district
3640 Northgate Blvd., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95834
United States